建议某人做某事的三种方法 make a suggestion (that) sb (should) do sth?

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make a suggestion (that) sb (should) do sth?

a suggestion (that) sb (should) do sth?

建议某人做某事 suggestion 表示“提议,建议”且后接that从句(表语从句或同位语从句)时,从句用虚拟语气(should 动词原形)。
如: My suggestion is that we should tell him. 我的建议是我们应该告诉他。She made a suggestion that each worker (should) contribute one days pay. 他建议每个工人捐献一天的工资


建议某人不要做某事英文:Advise sb not to do sth.建议英文:propose; suggest; advise; proposalShe suggests you first assess your income and outgoings. 她建议你先估算一下自己的收入和开销。
She did not take kindly to being offered advice. 她不喜欢别人给她提建议。


suggest都有哪些固定的搭配,都是什么含义 答:suggest作“建议”讲时,常用于以下三种结构: (1)“suggest +名词”,表示“建议某事”。
如: He suggested a walk. 他建议去散散步。
They suggested an exchange of scholars. 他们建议交流学者。
(2)“suggest +v-ing”(不能跟不定式),表示“建议做某事”。
如: I suggested putting the meeting off. 我建议会议延期。
He suggests visiting the Industrial Exhibition. 他提议去参观工业展览会。
(3)“suggest +(that)sb. (should)do sth.,表示“建议某人做某事”,从句常用虚拟语气,即从句中用情态动词should,其中 should可以省略。
如: He suggested(that)we(should)come another day. 他建议我们改天来。
The headmaster suggested(that)the work(should)be started at once. 校长建议立即动工。
注意: suggest只有一个宾语。
如: 我向他提议我们早点动身去机场。