high school模拟器中文 after high school什么意思?

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after high school什么意思?

high school什么意思?

high school
High School 高中,中学,高级中学
high school 高中
nursing high special school 护理大专

high school diploma是什么意思?

high school diploma英 [hai sku:l diplum] 美 [ha skul dplom]中学毕业证书;高中文凭;高中毕业文凭;高中毕业证书双语例句1. He doesnt have a high school diploma, not to mention a degree.他连高中文凭都没有,就更别说大学学位了。
2. Community colleges take everyone with a high school diploma or GED.社区学院会接受每一个有高中毕业文凭或与高中文凭等同的学历证明。

高一英语作文:What to learn in senior high school?

Good morning, everyone! It is my honour to be here to share with my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.
In the coming three years , our school life will be challenging. First ,we should learn to learn efficiently. Personally, I used to try effective method to achieve my academic goals. Developing a goood habit is also of importance. It really benefited me a lot to preview lessons, get actively involved in class, and review what had been taught after class.
In addition, we should learne how to get along well with others. In school, I respected teachers and was friendly with classmates. It was with sincerity and faithfulness that we created a harmonious atmosphere.
Finally, we should take part in sports and outdoors activities frequently. They were really helpful to build up my body and enrich my school life.
No pains no gains. I am sure that with great efforts ,you will enjoy a colorful and fruitful life here.
Thank you!