butfor后面用什么时态 not onlybut also倒装什么时候用does?

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not onlybut also倒装什么时候用does?

onlybut also倒装什么时候用does?

not only…but also如果主语是单数第三人称,句子谓语动词不是be动词,而且时态是一般现在时,倒装时用does,例如:
Not only does she speak Spanish she is good with computers.她不仅会说西班牙语,而且她还精通计算机(摘自《牛津词典》)(本句中,not only后面的句子是一般现在时,主语是单数第三人称she, 谓语动词是实义动词speak,所以倒装用了助动词does)

not only……but also……谓语动词有没有就近原则,举例说明?

not only…but slso连接主语时,谓语动词采用就近原则 例如:
Not only he but also we were invited to the party yesterday.不仅他被邀请参加了昨天的聚会,我们也被邀请参加了昨天的聚会(本句中,not only…but also连接了主语he和we, 谓语动词和靠近的主语we一致,所以用了were)

for over two years是什么时态?

for over two years用完成时态,表示一段的时间状语.可以和完成时连用。
He has been learning English for over four years.他学习英语已经四年多了.
He has lived here for over 20 years.他在这住了20过年了。
For more than ten years Ive been powerless,but theres a way out.

except 和but后跟动词时遵循什么原则?

1.but 和 except 之前如果出现的是 do 的任何时态(比如说:did, does, is doing, have done...)but 和except 之后就是 省略to 的动词不定式.
I did nothing yesterday but watch TV.
I didnt know what to do but stand there.
2.but 和 except 之前如果出现的是其他动词,but 和except 之后就是to do .
I had no choice but to accept his suggestion.
I had nothing to say but admit